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Main » 2009 » October » 29 » Animals in Farm Town {Facebook}
4:35 PM
Animals in Farm Town {Facebook}

Animals are cute, cuddly, and fun to see running around your farm. They make great decoration and even perhaps company when you are spending time at your farm regularly plowing and planting crops. You can even send them to your friends as gifts for free so that they have a few animals around their farm to remind them of you.

These are all great aspects of animals in Farmtown. Unfortunately, animals don’t really have any practical use in Farm Town currently. What do I mean by this?

  • Animals cannot breed or reproduce
  • Animals do not get fatter as they eat, nor can you slaughter them
  • Selling an animal will only gross a small amount of coins, resulting in a loss if you paid for it
  • Animals can slow down your computer and gameplay if you have many of them and/or a slow computer

Basically, as it stands now, animals in Facebook’s Farmtown are great for a little entertainment around the farm but have very little to no practical use.

Views: 503 | Added by: deejayisea | Rating: 0.0/0
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