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Main » 2009 » October » 29 » Mob Wars Leveling {Facebook}
4:01 PM
Mob Wars Leveling {Facebook}

"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women."

  - Tony Montana, Scarface

For those of you reading this who aren't religous gamers, leveling is the art of advancing your character as fast and efficiently as possible. Here are some tips:

Fighting is King
Simply, there is no faster way to gain levels than to fight non-stop. Period. Jobs are nice, hits pay well, but at the end of the day plain old fighting is the fastest way to gain levels. Make sure to read the section on fighting for a good overview, and here are a couple of addtional tips:

  • To level strictly with fighting, you must fight as often as you can. Every ten minutes is ideal if you can fit it in to your schedule (I know most can't dedicate that much time, but if you're on the computer at night surfing, you definitely can). By that time your stamina will regenerate, and you can go through another full round of attacks
  • Attack mobsters you can just barely beat. This isn't always easy determine, but as you progress you will learn the limitations of your character, so fight the toughest mobsters you can beat. This usually involves gauging their mob size, level, total number of fights, and kills. This will give you the maximum experience you can get from every enounter. Yes, you will lose some. But getting 10-15 experience each win will more than make up for a few losses, especially since beating up on wimps will only yeild 1-5 experience.
  • Avoid hits at all costs. They will drain your experience fast, and handcuff your leveling effort. So spread your attacks around so you don't piss too many people off.
  • Forget about your win-loss record. Some people take pride in having 10-1 win/loss ratio in fights, but really these type of stats don't do a full-time fighter much good. In fact, its better to have a medocre win/loss record, so fools don't realize how much of a bad-ass you really are, and you can crush them when they attack you. Overall number of fights, along with kills and deaths, is generally a better overall indicator of a fighter's prowless than win-loss records.

Choose Your Jobs Wisely, Young Grasshopper
Not all jobs are created equal. Some give superior money, some give toys. However, If you are trying to level fast, there is only one job you should be doing: plain old drug dealing (not by sea or air, the first one). While other jobs give larger amounts of experience, drug dealing gives you the highest energy/experience ratio (150%). And the next closest job isn't even in the same ballpark, so case closed. When I want to level fast, first thing I do is use up all 80 energy I have on 8 drug dealing jobs, and collect my cool 120 experience points.

After level 80, you will get the Illegal Weapons Smuggling job, and the prep job that corresponds to it, the Aquire Illegal Weapons job. After level 80, you'll want to focus on doing Aquire Illegal Weapons, because it gives the same experience ratio as drug dealing, and it will then allow you do do the bigger job Illegal Weapons Smuggling for a pile of cash and a 10% chance at aquiring AK-47's with rocket launchers.

Plan Each Playing Session
A good tactic to use during your playing session is to use up all your attacks first, then do any jobs or banking you have to do. Heal up, and by this time, you will have regenerated most, if not all, your stamina. Then launch another round of attacks before logging off. This basically gives you 5-6 attacks per playing session, even if you only have 3 stamina.

Views: 485 | Added by: deejayisea | Rating: 0.0/0
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